J.N. EsteyA Breakup Letter to Sharp ObjectsFamily meeting. Get the gang altogether, and let’s sit around the coffee table and talk. Scissors, razor blades, box cutters, and a single…Feb 19, 2021Feb 19, 2021
J.N. EsteyFreedom Is a Noun in Theory and a Verb in PracticeI’ve been seeing the phrase “died from depression” or “death by depression” more and more lately; and despite the inherent heaviness of…Feb 19, 2021Feb 19, 2021
J.N. EsteyWanderlustYou were in my dream this afternoon. I fell asleep reading; and there you were, visiting. It’s been a long time. Hasn’t it?Feb 19, 2021Feb 19, 2021
J.N. EsteyAnoxiaI can’t believe I’m almost twenty-seven years old. I’ve lost almost an entire decade to mental illness — to depression. I don’t talk about…Feb 26, 2021Feb 26, 2021
J.N. EsteyFreedomI was standing in my kitchen, nursing a glass of water and my morning medication. My dog, Charley, crawls out from under my bed, walks…Mar 15, 2021Mar 15, 2021
J.N. EsteySocial Media TherapistsThere’s always so much to be said for those who don’t give up. What about those who do? Those who did? Are they worth talking about, too…Apr 6, 2021Apr 6, 2021
J.N. EsteyLove Letter to a FriendLife is really, really hard; and sometimes, it feels like an unwinnable fight. But, I think we win every time we choose to keep going…Apr 19, 2021Apr 19, 2021
J.N. EsteyLove Letter to a Friend, Pt. 2Grappling with mental illness is a journey that doesn’t ease or end even when the illness itself begins to loosen its grip. I’m not sure…Jun 14, 2021Jun 14, 2021
J.N. EsteyDepressionIt’s like the cycle of burnout except crawling out of the well doesn’t look like hyper-productivity and overcommitment, it looks like doing…Jul 5, 2021Jul 5, 2021
J.N. EsteyAn Open WindowFlowers and earth and books and warmth. Warm coffee, warm air, quiet breath. The sounds of leaves and wind sharing secrets and birds…Jul 27, 2021Jul 27, 2021
J.N. EsteyPre-Dawn Existential Crisis Courtesy of Corporate Greed and Environmental DegradationOur planet and its environment have developed over millions of years to become what they are today.Aug 28, 2021Aug 28, 2021
J.N. EsteyThe Power of NowMindfulness as a stand alone practice has been gaining in widespread popularity exponentially. As it continues to grow, more and more…Sep 2, 2021Sep 2, 2021
J.N. EsteyHoley/HolyI just cleaned my bathroom sink. As I finished wiping down the last few spots, I thought to myself, “Wow, what a blessing this is.” What a…Sep 19, 2021Sep 19, 2021
J.N. EsteyThe Magic of Letting GoA decades-long experiment begins. We stand facing each other. You look at me, I look at you, I look so much like you. I hold up a mirror…Nov 15, 2021Nov 15, 2021
J.N. EsteyCarnival: Snapshot of My Life as Aileen WuornosI long for a world where little girls learn about the bodies of boys and of men when they are old enough to comprehend. When it’s…Jan 6, 2022Jan 6, 2022
J.N. EsteyThursday NightI slather coconut oil on my lips in the bathroom. I slather coconut oil on my lips because I do not have the energy to go into the other…Jan 28, 2022Jan 28, 2022
J.N. EsteyHow to Write Your Way Out of a Dissociative EpisodeStep 1: Write a lighting speed paragraph that makes little sense. Step 2: Delete, try again. Step 3: Write two sentences. Stop. Delete. Try…Feb 7, 2022Feb 7, 2022
J.N. EsteyLove Letter to the Girl Who Tried to DieIf I could send you one message from the future, as you sedately lie in your hospital bed wondering why it is you remain on this Earth, it…Apr 17, 2022Apr 17, 2022